Pavilion from the Ocean

Pavilion from the Ocean

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By Jan Bergemann
Enacting a bill allowing associations to pay board members for their “services” will definitely attract more candidates for the next annual meeting with elections. But would that be the kind of candidates we really want?
Let’s make no mistake: There are already too many board members who are serving for one reason only: POWER HUNGER!
Now we are discussing to add another motif for owners running for office: GREED?
Personally, I don’t think it’s a great idea to even consider paying board members.
I might consider changing my mind if this plan comes with the requirement of a license and the removal of the “Business Judgment Rule” defense for board members.
People who get paid for their “work” should as well be held liable for their actions – not being indemnified no matter what serious and/or costly mistakes they are making.
Payment is only a good idea if you have qualified people you are going to pay.
But board members who are in office motivated by POWER HUNGER and/or GREED are definitely not the folks owners want to see on the board as officers. Their motivation alone prevents them from serving the community in the best interest of the association members.

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