Pavilion from the Ocean

Pavilion from the Ocean

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Condo Act Reforms - cyber citizens for justice - Update #Miami

Dear Florida Homeowner and Condo Owners;

The Miami Legislative Delegation claims to be working on serious community association law reforms. Let's make sure that the bill includes HOAs into the Division, gives the Division much wider jurisdiction (including the 4 CPAs - forensic auditors - Julio Robaina proposed a few years back) and use the trust fund money for the purpose intended. Add HOAs and they have lots of money to spend. Increase the salary of the Division workers, so we attract some talent and not just the stupid morons we have now working for the Division - like some of the Bureau of Compliance employees and some of the arbitrators.

The folks from Miami have to remember that the folks North of South Florida are not really very interested in condo reforms, since they deal mostly with HOA problems. Remember, the town hall meeting crying for reform featured the same legislators and attorneys who blocked any reform ideas in the last few years. And we have to make sure that the postal workers from the Broward Coalition are not going postal again -- parotting the ideas of CALL -- the Becker & Poliakoff lobbyiung arm. Remember, the CALL Lady is back at B&P after a short stint at KGB.

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