Pavilion from the Ocean

Pavilion from the Ocean

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This forum, by owners for owners, provides useful information for owners to view and discuss.

This blog does not belong nor represents the views of the Pavilon Condo Association

You can subscribe to the blog by entering your email on the upper hand side on the blog. You will then receive an email with a link that you must click on to complete the subscription. Then every time the blog is updated you will receive an email message.

Special Assessment Updates:
The 4th Floor Terrace Project

The 4th Floor Terrace Project has begun.  The project consist of stopping water infiltration into the Mezzanine Units. The contractor estimates a time frame of two (2) weeks to complete the project depending on the rain.

Special Assessment Updates:
Pool Water Filters

The Pool Water Filters have been replaced to stop water leakage.  Bids are currently being obtained to repair the cracks in the pool. The pool project will start as soon as the bidding process is complete.

Pest Control

Monthly extermination service continues every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. 

Extermination service will be provided based on request.

Contact the Association Office at (305) 861-4600, to request the exterminator to visit your Unit.

October 6, 2010


Date: Wednesday – October 6, 2010
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Location: Social and Activities Room (Mezzanine Level)
Place: 5601 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33140


I. Roll Call – determination of a quorum
II. Reading and Approval of Minutes of legal meeting 9/17/10
III. Old Business:
      a. Financial Update
        - Audited 2009 Financial Statements are available
        - Progress on Special Assessment receipts
        - Collections, foreclosures and unit re-sales
      b. Kay Restoration - 4th Floor balcony repairs and waterproofing update
      c. Diversified – update on status of concrete restoration contract
      d. Pool – update on new filters and upcoming tile work  
      e. Access Control System – presentation and discussion by contractor/supplier

A three minute time limit will be in effect for any owner who has a question pertaining to AGENDA ITEMS ONLY.

IV. New Business
   f. Ratify the new Alayon & Associates legal retainer agreement
   g. Tax Appeal discussion – presentation by Richard Alayon
V. Adjournment

Posted October 4, 2010

Michael Dielo, LCAM
Property Manager