Pavilion from the Ocean

Pavilion from the Ocean

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Demonstration Feb 22 2017 against Corruption in Condo Associations

Demonstration in Government Center in Miami on Feb 22 2017 to support changes in Condo Act to help the owners and eliminate corruptions in Associations, lawyers and Property Managers.

From reformfl Facebook:

"February 22, 2017 was the beginning of the end, we are here to stay, we are here to make changes and to make our voice loud and clear, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Politician be aware that if you don't support our fight against corruption we will vote you out in the next elections! Thank you All the media for the support and the coverage of our story and today our voice didn't go unnoticed!"

"El 22 de Febrero del 2017 fue un gran dia, el principio del fin, hoy nuestras voces fueron escuchadas, hoy nuestras historias tienen nombre y apellido, hoy comenzamos a perder el miedo y a decirle a los políticos que sino apoyan nuestra causa, mañana nos acordaremos que nuestro voto no ira para ellos! Gracias a todos los medios que nos dieron la cobertura para hacernos sentir!"

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